留学生假期留校申请表Application for Staying in University during the Holiday
发布时间: 2020-09-12 访问次数: 76
Application for International Students Staying in University During the Holiday
姓 名 Name |
| 性 别 Gender |
| Photo |
班级 Class |
| 国籍 Nationality |
| |
联系电话 Telephone |
| 护照号 Passport No. |
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紧急电话 Emergency Tel. |
| 宿舍号 Dorm No. |
| |
申请理由 Reasons for Application |
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留校注意事项 Attention | 1.请遵守中国的法律法规。 Please abide by China’s laws and regulations. 2.请遵守常州大学校规校纪。 Please abide by rules and regulations of Changzhou University. 3.请遵守常州大学留学生公寓管理。 Please abide by international students’ dormitory regulations of Changzhou University. 4.如要离开常州外出时,需本人提出书面申请,报国际处和所属斗球 批准。外出旅行应两人以上结伴而行,相互照应;旅行期间务必与亲人或学校、同学保持联系;应避免夜间外出。 If you want to go out of the city, you should submit a written application to the international office and your school. There should be at least one more person to go with you if you go out for travel and take care of each other. You must keep in touch with your family, the teachers or classmates during the trip. Do not go out at night as possible as you can. 5.学生需保持公寓、寝室安静,不得大声喧哗、嬉闹。不能影响他人正常休息。 Students should keep the dormitory clean and should not disturb others at the dormitory. 6.不准以任何理由留宿他人;朋友或亲人探访晚9点之前必须离开;晚11点前必须回留学生宿舍;出入宿舍要随手关门。 Do not accommodate others for any reasons. Your friends or relatives should leave before 9 pm. You should return to the dormitory before 11pm at night. You should close the door when you leave the dormitory. 7.注意公寓、寝室内用电安全、室内无人时要切断电源,严禁私拉乱接电源和使用大功率电器,严禁从电箱拉线进行电瓶车充电。注意防火。 Pay attention to the safe use of electric power in apartments and rooms. When there is no person at the dormitory, it is necessary to cut off the power supply. It is forbidden to connect the power supply and use high-power electrical appliances. It is forbidden to charge the battery car from the electric box. Pay attention to fire prevention. 8.不乱扔烟头,不躺在床上吸烟,不在住所内乱点蜡烛;不挪动和损坏消防器材,不堵塞消防信道;不在易燃易爆品附近擅自使用明火。 Do not throw away cigarette butts. Do not smoke in bed. Do not light candle in residence. Do not move or damage the fire equipment. Do not block the fire escape. Do not use fire around the inflammables and explosives 9.禁止在宿舍喝酒,特别是酗酒闹事和打架。 It is forbidden to drink alcohol at the dormitory, especially excessive drinking and fighting. 10.严禁向窗外或阳台外抛砸各种物品、泼倒茶水、丢弃烟头等。 It is strictly prohibited throw a variety of items, pour liquids, and discard cigarette butts from the window or balcony. 11.不允许打工,不可以去酒吧,禁止吸毒。 You are not allowed to do part-time jobs and do not go to the pubs or clubs. Taking drugs is prohibited. 12. 请遵守学校疫情期间相关管理规定。没有留管人员的批准,不可离校校园。 Please abide by the relevant management regulations during COVID-19 outbreak.International students can not leave the campus without permission from international students administrators. 附录:紧急求助电话Emergency call POLICE: 110 FIRE: 119 TRAFFIC: 122 FIRST AID: 120
签字(Signature): 日期(Date): |
附件:留学生假期留校申请表Application for Staying in University during the Holiday.doc